Best Love Songs Ever: 70 Timeless Tracks For Lifelong Lovers
From lung-busting ballads to intimate sentiments, the best love songs can put into words the feelings we find it hardest to express.
Best Reissues Of 2024: 40 Of The Year’s Most Essential Releases
The best reissues of 2024 are bringing classic albums back to life in ways fans have never seen nor heard before.
Sue (Or In A Season Of Crime): Behind David Bowie’s Killer Jazz Assault
Pushing David Bowie’s love of jazz music to the fore, Sue (Or In A Season Of Crime) was an uncompromising artistic statement.
‘hours…’: A Track-By-Track Guide To Every Song On David Bowie’s Time-Bending Album
The ten songs on the ‘hours…’ album find David Bowie as elder statesman, voicing his generation’s concerns in the face of a new millennium.
Tonight: A New Dawn For David Bowie’s Overlooked 80s Album
A classy collection of accomplished pop, David Bowie’s ‘Tonight’ album deserves to step out from the shadows.
Thursday’s Child: David Bowie’s Grown-Up Meditation On Days Gone By
Introducing a new maturity to David Bowie’s writing, Thursday’s Child was a reflective song from an elder statesman of rock.
Blue Jean: Did This Simple Pop Song Reveal The “Real” David Bowie?
Although David Bowie stripped things back to rock’n’roll basics for Blue Jean, the song’s ambitious promo video was a bar-raising masterpiece.
Best 80s Albums: 30 Classics That Defined A Decade
Defining a wildly eclectic decade, the best 80s albums cover everything from experimental art-pop to bludgeoning thrash metal…
Best Rock Albums Of All Time: 10 Records That Shook The World
Prepared to venture where others fear to tread, the best rock albums of all time are seminal records that truly changed the course of music.
Look Back In Anger: The Unlikely Single That Would Point To David Bowie’s Future
Picked for single release in the US, David Bowie’s Look Back In Anger was a cryptic meditation on mortality.
Best John Hughes Movies: 10 Classic Films And Their Soundtrack Highlights
With memorable soundtracks that reflect their characters’ innermost feelings, the best John Hughes films remain touchstones of teen cinema.
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